Daily Archives: January 16, 2025

2025-01-16: News Headlines

Human Rights Watch (2025-01-16). Venezuela: Rights Crisis Deepens as Maduro is Sworn in. hrw.org Relatives of political prisoners light candles during a vigil calling for their freedom in Caracas, Venezuela on Sunday, December 1, 2024. | © 2024 AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos | (Mexico City) — Repression in Venezuela escalated during 2024 ahead of the July 28 elections, and a brutal crackdown followed the announcement, contrary to available evidence, that Nicolás Maduro had been re-elected president, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025.For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the wor…

aljazeera (2025-01-16). Trump versus the Gulf of Mexico. aljazeera.com At the end of the day, there is nothing 'beautiful' about imperialism.

James Phillips (2025-01-16). Immigration and its Discontent: Past and Present. covertactionmagazine.com [This is the first of a two-part article.—Editors] Immigration has been a "hot issue" in the United States for a long time. In the 1700s, Benjamin Franklin complained about the influx of German immigrants. In the mid-1800s, there was a strong nativist movement against European immigrants, especially Catholics and Jews. In the 1880s, it was …

Daniel Delgado (2025-01-16). Life of CPUSA leader, Rossana Cambron, lens into struggles of immigrants. peoplesworld.org Introduction: As a second Trump presidency looms, the treatment of immigrants, particularly from Latin America and the Caribbean, remains a central and contentious issue. Republican border policies have long framed immigrants as threats, using them as scapegoats for broader societal problems. Yet much of the migration from Latin America is driven by the fallout from …

Staff (2025-01-15). México apoya retiro de Cuba de la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. cubadebate.cu La presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, celebró hoy la decisión del gobierno de Estados Unidos de retirar a Cuba de la lista unilateral de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. Sheinbaum se sumó a la lista de personalidades y mandatarios, entre ellos los de Bolivia, Venezuela y Colombia, que manifestaron satisfacción por la noticia difundida ayer.

Natalia Marques (2025-01-15). The migrant workers at the forefront of Los Angeles wildfire relief efforts. peoplesdispatch.org Immigrant day laborers, organized with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, are on the front lines of the humanitarian efforts amid the devastating fires and are responding to anti-migrant rhetoric with "love"

Sulma Arias (2025-01-15). Anti-Immigrant Legislation Doesn't Serve Anyone But Prison Contractors. fpif.org You're reading the words of a formerly undocumented immigrant. | When I fled El Salvador four decades ago, I was 12 years old and alone. I wanted to escape the country's civil war, where U.S.-backed death squads had made murders and rape our daily reality. | I reunited with my sisters, my only surviving family, in Wichita, Kansas. Once there, I helped open churches, started businesses, and raised three daughters. There were times I wasn't sure we'd make it to the end of the month, but I was grateful for the sense of peace and security we were able to create here. | That's why I'm so alarmed that the new Republica…

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