2024-11-23: News Headlines

María Candela (2024-11-23). México: Capturan a criminal vinculado a caso Ayotzinapa. radiohc.cu Ciudad de México, 23 nov (RHC) Autoridades mexicanas capturaron a Alejandro Palacios, "El Cholo Palacios", cabecilla del grupo criminal Guerreros Unidos y señalado por otros integrantes de esa organización entre los responsables en el caso Ayotzinapa, divulgan este sábado medios de prensa.

María Candela (2024-11-23). Desde México envían donativo para damnificados por huracanes en Cuba. radiohc.cu Ciudad de México, 22 nov (RHC) Un donativo de tonelada y media por un valor aproximado de 10 mil dólares arribará a Cuba desde México para apoyar a los damnificados por los recientes huracanes, informó este sábado el embajador de la isla, Marcos Rodríguez.

aljazeera (2024-11-23). 'Exponentially worse': Immigrant rights groups brace for second Trump term. aljazeera.com Immigrant rights groups fear harsh policies and potential legal pressure could accelerate in second Trump term.

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2024-11-22: News Headlines

Maanvi Singh, Portside. (2024-11-22). Arizona Immigrants Fear Return To Mass Arrests. popularresistance.org The news that Arizona voters on 5 November had approved the so-called "secure our border" initiative hit Reyna Montoya like a gut punch. | The measure — proposition 314 on the ballot — makes crossing the US-Mexico border without authorization a state crime, empowering local officials to arrest and deport border-crossers and enhancing criminal penalties for unauthorised immigrants who apply for public benefits. | The initiative is modelled after a Texas law that is currently being challenged in court, and some of its key provisions will be blocked until the Texas law, or another similar law, is allowed…

channelnewsasia (2024-11-22). Mexico not a backdoor for Chinese products, president Sheinbaum says. channelnewsasia.com

WSWS (2024-11-22). University of California 2-day strike ends without resolution to core issues. wsws.org Workers, with healthcare and immigrant workers in the front rank, will be thrust into struggle against Trump's program for dictatorship, which includes mass deportations and the evisceration of public health.

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