Daily Archives: September 16, 2022

2022-09-16: News Headlines

Lee Siu Hin (2022-09-16). Fall 2022 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Immigrant Justice News Alert! indybay.org U.S. Political Prisoners Special Report: We Have Hundreds of Political Prisoners, Thousands of Asian-American Hate Victims, Half Million Child Farm Labors!

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-16). Conoce a cinco héroes de la Independencia de México. telesurtv.net El periodo de conocido como la Guerra de Independencia empieza la madrugada del 16 de septiembre de 1810.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-09-16). Detienen a general mexicano José Rodríguez por caso Ayotzinapa. telesurtv.net Se han dictado cuatro órdenes de aprehensión contra elementos del Ejército mexicano, de las cuales se han ejecutado tres.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-09-16). Diputados mexicanos aprueban extender presencia del Ejército en las calles. telesurtv.net Una vez cumplido el trámite en la cámara baja, la reforma será turnada al Senado para su discusión y votación.

Fvorinoco (2022-09-15). John Shipton: Mexico's Support for Assange Will Resonate Throughout the World. orinocotribune.com MEXICO CITY—Yesterday, in the Mexican Senate, during a session in which legislators from MORENA promised to fight, from Congress, for the release of the journalist and activist Julian Assange, the father of Wikileaks' founder, John Shipton said that Andrés Manuel López Obrador's position in confronting the United States government and offering asylum to Julian Assange "will resonate throughout the world." | Later, during a discussion at the UNAM Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, John Shipton, accompanied by his son Gabriel, noted how, despite not being responsible for any crime, Julian Assange has been sub…

Julia Conley (2022-09-15). Martha's Vineyard Responds With Compassion After DeSantis Dumps Migrants in 'Cruel Stunt'. commondreams.org "We are a caring and compassionate community and will not resort to the depravity of the extremist Republicans who think dumping people off like garbage is deserving of a victory lap," said local organizers.

Brett Wilkins (2022-09-15). 'I Want My Wings Back': Mexican Trans Activist Hopes Biden Policies Bode Well for US Return. commondreams.org "I feel like the times are changing," says Lorena Amor Barajas, an LGBTQ+ advocate denied entry to the U.S. during the Trump administration. "I really hope it's true."

WSWS (2022-09-15). Workers at GM plant in Silao, Mexico: US sponsored union 'destroyed our independence'. wsws.org The AFL-CIO and US government imposed a so-called "independent" union at the GM Silao factory that has acted no differently from the corrupt charro unions, according to six workers used in the process and then "thrown into the trash."

TeleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-09-15). México entrega Llaves de la Ciudad a familia de Julian Assange. telesurtv.net La titular del poder ejecutivo de Ciudad de México afirmó que Assange "representa la verdad, la libertad de expresión".

Staff (2022-09-15). México entrega Llaves de la Ciudad a familiares de Julian Assange. cubadebate.cu La jefa de Gobierno de la capital de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, entregó las llaves de la Ciudad y el pergamino de Huésped Distinguido a familiares del fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, el pasado martes. La funcionaria señaló que se trata de "un acto simbólico de lo que representa la Ciudad de México (…) que ha sido siempre una ciudad refugio y hospitalaria".

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